IT IS A TRUISM here in Mexico that everything is hidden behind walls.
Open doorways give glimpses into hidden worlds. An open door is an opportunity to sneak a peek inside.
Here are some behind the wall scenes.
Below– D.H.Lawrence in the 1920’s stayed in Chapala and wrote The Plumed Serpent. One can visit the house and in fact stay there in his very room. For more info here.
Below Floor tiles like these can be found in many older homes.
THE ADOBE WALLS bed and breakfast.
For the history and story of this place go here.
The Hacienda Del Lago…
A left over from the years gone by.
Now an elegant boutique hotel and restaurant.
(NOTE: It has now reverted to a private home but the business continues by the same name nearby).
Above-Studying the menu for the restaurant.
Below–In the kitchen.
Below- One of the only four units a casita.
Below– The little private chapel.
All that is left is of many Haciendas is the chapel or church which stands in the plazas. The towns themselves grew up around the Haciendas which are mostly now all gone.
For that posting see here.