On the way to the school we passed by The Valley Of The Monks a name given by the more sober Jesuit priests. The Ramaruri call them penises-obviously!
Above the Chi Chis – a Mexican slang for breasts
We were high up on the Continental Divide. From this point we could see far below the source of the Rio Grande. The real one- not the smaller tributary that starts in the Rockies. This was a misnaming by early explorers.
Courtesy Michael Koch
Above- The view outside the school.
We were welcomed at the gate by these girls who walked us with music and rattles and drums into the ceremonial area.
Below- The head shaman tribal leader led the ceremony
Below- the pot had a fermented corn beer that was handed around to everybody.
There was a ball game played with a hard wood ball for the boys and a hoop with a stick for the girls. Usually they would run for some miles but that day for us only a mile or so down the road.
The Raramuri are renowned runners who have competed in marathons coming in first and second wearing only recycled tires for shoes.
A prize was given to the winners of some of that bold colored cloth
As you see above and below only the girls wore traditional dress.
There was then a gift giving of backpacks from us visitors to almost everyone.
Afterwards plenty of burritos and fruit given out.
Parting shot. As we were leaving a game of basketball started.
NEXT: The final posting on the city of Chiahuahua.