The last part of this 3800 mile journey from Oklahoma to Portland was through the north central part of Oregon ending on the Columbia gorge.
Oct 2017
Above driving along the John Day River in dry central Oregon.
Above- descending toward the Columbia River from the high country of central Oregon following the same John Day River but from the high plateau.
Below- The dry eastern Oregon hills by the Columbia River give the first view of Mount Hood some 75 miles away.
Above– Near Lyle in Washington State where the dry eastern end of the gorge meets the wet western end.
A view of the Klickitat River where it enters the Columbia on the Washington side of the river at Lyle.
Our friends David and Kerry live up that road and the shot below was taken from their garden where mount Hood is framed perfectly.
Above looking across the fertile fruit producing Hood River Valley.
Above dense forest coat the side canyons. One such side canyon was Eagle Creek (See postscript)
Below- where the Columbia becomes Portland.
POSTSCRIPT– Just after we arrived in Portland during one of the driest periods of the year when fire danger was highest-some fool let off fireworks in Eagle Creek one of the Gorge’s most beautiful areas. The area is now devastated and may not recover in my lifetime. The photos below were taken many years ago-when perhaps there were not as many fools in the world.