Above map of the trip from Boise north through Idaho then east following the Lochsa River to Missoula Montana then north to Glacier National Park.
Glacier National Park is located in the north west of Montana almost on the Canadian border.
The park encompasses more than one million acres and includes parts of two mountain ranges, more than 130 named lakes, more than 1,000 different species of plants, and hundreds of species of animals.
This vast pristine ecosystem is the centerpiece of what has been referred to as the “Crown of the Continent Ecosystem”
“The Going To The Sun Highway “ follows the shores of Lake McDonald then climbs up by winding roads and tunnels into those distant mountains and the crest of the Continental Divide- where the rivers either flow east or west to the Pacific Ocean or The Gulf of Mexico. There is even a northern path through Canada leading to the Hudson Bay in the far north.
Below Before going to the grand landscapes first some colorful details of the rocks to be found along the side of the lake.
One day we took the Red Bus Tour in these renovated original buses from 1932. Here parked in front of The McDonald Lodge which was built in 1913.
The Lodge is another great example of the type of early twentieth century construction and decor still maintained today.
Oil paintings of the glaciers hanging at the Lodge.
Above-The Road along the Lake
Above-Looking back down the valley we drove up from The Garden Wall.
Above- Heavens Peak at almost 9000 feet
Above-Two views of Mt Oberlin at just over 8000 feet.
Above -The road climbs up along the Garden Wall
Above the view east from the top of Logan Pass on the Continental Divide.
Above Looking over at Jackson Glacier and Florence Falls.
Above Lake St. Mary on the east side and the vintage motor cruiser.
Below-See it while you can.